Thursday, November 12, 2009

Will Flanagan's Campaign Finance Report

Lots of familiar names: John "little pieces of crap" Almeida, Nick "no citizen input" Christ, Alan "FROED President" Amaral, and much more!


Anonymous said...

Good information. Do you have CAV's report? Where can I find reports these online?

Anonymous said...

No smoking gun here, all this was reported in the HN. Anon you will have to get CAV from the city clerks office, doubt you will see it on these one-sided blogs.

Skoorey said...

I think what is most interesting is who is not on this list: besides Ray Hague, I didn't spot any city council names. No Casey, Camera, Lund, Bigelow, Periera, Pellitiere.

Since Will is now the elected one, I think that his campaign finance report is the only one that matters. Why look at the report of the one who now has no say in what goes on in this city?

By the way, who said blogs have to be impartial? That is the job of the Herald News.

Anonymous said...

So we can be thankful cav did not get elected.

shamrock said...

Anon 6:25 -
These aren't online you have to get them from city hall.

Anon 8:57-
This was NOT all reported in the Herald News. John Almeida wasn't in there, nor were the Marchione's who are the lucky recipients of FROED TIF agreement for gas stations, among other names that were not reported in the HN.

I had this before the election. If I was really that one-sided I could have posted it then. I also could have talked about how funny it was that he was looking for drivers at one of his first organizational meetings. And my further amusement that he was criticizing Bob Correia by saying that he will be a mayor that doesn't need a driver. I could also talk about the direct quotes he has taken from this blog and used in his CSO stormwater argument without any credit to the source.....but I didn't.

Information is a good thing. I assure you I would have been critical of CAV as mayor as well.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see Will didn't receive any contributions from the Karams. I'd like to know if CAV did.

shamrock said...

I believe she did.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of lawyers donated to Will. Are they hoping to represent the city in court??? Since that is what Will is planning to do. Go to court to fight everything.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of lawyers- why didn't they donate to cav-her husband is a
lawyer, why did he quit?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he felt that he could do more as an EMT than a lawyer... Lawyers are scum

Tom Paine said...

As a supporter of Will Flanagan I do not see any problem posting this info here. What I do say is let us see what he will do, what projects will he push for etc.

Anonymous said...

There is going to be a new blog that posts the information on all candidates and bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:22

that is probably not your best idea yet. Exposing politicians is one thing; going after private citizens is a whole other story. You may want to look up the definiton of the words libel and slander before attempting something like that.

Anonymous said...

Good luck 8:22 - I hear shamrock has a pretty fierce legal team.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:22

I'd be VERY careful if I were you. There are a lot of blood-sucking lawyers in this city looking for some good income. Make sure you don't libel any private citizens...

Anonymous said...

what if the bloggers are not private citizens ? What if they are in law school?

Anonymous said...

still private citizens

Anonymous said...

If they are in Law school I'd stay the hell away myself! I dunno about you!

Anonymous said...

public officials can sue and get bloggers identities,

Anonymous said...

Yeah they even have a special name for it....its called a SLAPP suit.

Anonymous said...

"Free speech has always been an irritant to those who become the target of it; freedom in general is a frightening concept to some because of the broad blanket it throws over the righteous and the sinful alike. And as always it seems many people support the freedom concept so long as it supplies protections for the liberties they themselves choose to enjoy—enjoy the wrong set of liberties and you’ll suddenly find far fewer true believers in the founding principles of the American experiment."
Webpro News 4/13/09

Fear and Loathing in Fall River said...

No, you have that wrong. A public official cannot sue someone to stop them from participating in debate.

The name for it explains what it is. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and they are not legal. You have to have very good just cause in order to sue someone.

What makes you so afraid of Bloggers anyhow? Why are you so afraid of the truth?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:15,

why would being in law school matter? Still a private citizen.

Oh no! What if they are in cooking school? Or business school? Or God forbid, in seminary?

Anonymous said...

The above debate would be an interesting topic for a blog shamrock.


Anonymous said...

Google faces $15 million lawsuit for releasing blogger information in model row
Google is being sued for $15 million (£9 million) by a blogger, Rosemary Port, whose details were released after Liskula Cohen, a Vogue cover girl, was smeared as a "skank" on the internet

Anonymous said...

Google reveals blogger's identity after Vogue model's 'skank' insult
Liskula Cohen, a Vogue covergirl, has won a court ruling asking Google to reveal the identity of an anonymous blogger who called the former model a 'skank'

Anonymous said...

The difference here is that shamrock has not called anyone a skank. ...yet... ;)

Anonymous said...

Well most don't live in the city!Very interesting. i guess they just don't want to pay the sewer fee!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if you call someone a skank, if the person suing for your identity wants to sue you for smearing them the will be able to get your identity to do so.

Anonymous said...

Just who is being smeared on this blog? No lies are being told. Just because you don't like the truth being exposed does not mean it is a lie.

Anonymous said...

doesn't matter, it appears they can obtain the bloggers identity in the process .