Governor's Council Article
Great article on
the Governor's Council.
Not surprisingly,
Carole Fiola has the worst
attendance record
for her
approximately $30,000/
year part part part time
Meet your Massachusetts Governor's Council
Clown committee
By CHRIS FARAONE January 14, 2009 Boston
Thank you once again for your critical eye and selsection of consistently relvant articles on life down here in Fall River. Too many of ur fellow Fall Riverites cnnot fathom that speaking truth is not always a pleasant endeavor or the bringing of happy news tidings. That , it appears, is the function of the HN, as it has been for quite some time now...
Once again, Kudos sir!
Fiola will have that job just as long as she wants it.
Laz, you still getting an average of two comments per post, you opinion-maker?
Isn't Fiola up for re-election in 2010????
Cippolini 2010!!!!
I'm greatful for the I know neither of them are Fall River teabaggers
i got one for concerns the OTHER Fiola....maybe the old Durfee basketball head can dribble his way out of the FROED job...they pull down $200 large for doing NOTHING....typical fall River wonder why the b*tch cries in public...his jocks on too tight!
It's a toss up as to who is more worthless to Fall River.
On one hand, Carol is a stuck up narcissistic bitch. One the other, so is Ken.
One actually earns a living outside of the public sphere (no realtor jokes, please - we're giving them this one, that's why I didn't say "honest living").
The other one sucks on the teats of this city and does nothing useful.
My, my my the artsy fartsy crowd is still so angry over 64 Durfee St.!
I suppose the "artsy fartsy crowd" is in good company with the Mayor, HUD, Barney Frank, etc.; but anyone with a brain should be upset about Durfee.
The Durfee debacle is a perfect example of the milking of Fall River, complete with campaign contributions, low income housing, shady developers, dubious RFP practices, sketchy contract award, etc.
Two city councilors subject of ethics complaint from Chief Souza after they leaned on police to help Mike Herren in his most recent court case...if the Sterile News see this MAYBE they'll do a story...they steal all their ideas off the blogs neway
Let me guess who the 2 councilors are?? Camara & Perreira come to mind as his favorites?
I see the Herald News now has an article up about it!
Kudos to the FRPD for filing this complaint. I am sure this is not the first time J. Camara and Linda Pereira have abused their positions of authority.
wow was it really camara and perreira? that was just a guess based on hurricanes show and his inside information he usually says he has.
I see the Herald News now has an article up about it!
Kudos to the FRPD for filing this complaint. I am sure this is not the first time J. Camara and Linda Pereira have abused their positions of authority.
Another Herald News "story" ripped off from the blogs
City Council Pres. Joe Camara and VP Linda Pereira have violated the code of ethics with their behavior. They should have been arrested for interfering with a police officer. If any real danger existed, DSS would have been called. Call the Ethics Commission, don't let them drop this. Contact, Executive Director Karen Nober @ 617-371-9500. It's harder to ignore a crowd than just one person. FRPD filed a complaint, let's back them up.
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