Thank you for cutting so many police AND a very special thank you for cutting most of the gang task force! We owe you one. Also, thank you for using the graffiti removal machine to powerwash city hall rather than removing our gang tags.
Yours Truly,
Chew, Hanover Boyz, BK, Asian Boyz, etc.
nooooo not graffiti in an urban area that only happens in fall river and only when correia is mayor
Yes and Correia is clearly making the graffiti situation better by cutting the gang police and not using the removal machine for its purpose.
Most of those graffiti pics have nothing to do with gangs and more to do with kids with too much time on their hands. Not all tags are gang related ... a few in the background there are suspicious, but for the record, the bulk of graffiti in this city ISN'T gang-related. That's not to say the city isn't riddled with gangs. It IS, live in a public apartment complex for a WEEK and you'd realize that quickly enough, but the gangs aren't my point.
The removal machine SHOULD be getting used, but the bulk of this graffiti could be avoided by setting up a clean board in each of the baseball parks for kids to tag up. idk could help.
I realize not all tags are gangs but there is gang graffiti in those pics. This post isn't concerned with having a healthy outlet for young was about gangs.
Scamrock the MINISTER OF MISINFORMATION..another picture another joke !!!
The pictures are irrelavant. The fact that public safety personnel are being laid off at an alarming rate speaks for itself. The gang unit not only worked to arrest gang members and provide important intelligence. They educated the public about gang activities and worked in schools to educate young people who may be recruited by gangs. The loss of this unit will have a devastating affects on this city. Turn out Tuesday night at City Hall to protest these and other cuts.
When you look at the nearly identical cuts made in New Bedford you cannot blame all of this on Bob Correia.
I agree that the cuts made by the mayor should have been more surgical. Also from the sounds of it the Mayor or his office did not do everything they could to successfully bargain with the unions.
I have noticed a surge in graffiti lately. Sadly some of it is in very visable spots. Still, are property owners waiting for the city to take care of this? Can't they do anything to clean up this stuff themselves.
The amount of cuts may have been similar in New Bedford but the areas cut were not. I believe New Bedford cut 38 police and 38 fire compared to Fall River's 53 police officers and 45 firefighters. In addition to the 12 vacant safety positions that will remain unfilled in Fall River.
New Bedford = 76 safety cuts
Fall River = 110 safety cuts
It does not appear that the Mayor and his cohorts were bargaining in good faith with the unions so there was probably no point in "bargaining" at all. One example of nonsensical bargaining: How does this negotiation math work out - the 12 members of the janitors union got to save the jobs of 2 of their full time employees (80 hours a week) by each member taking a 3 hours a week cut (saving 36 hours).
Anyway.....I have also noticed alot of new graffiti popping up. Aside from the billboard picture, the graffiti featured was all on 10 Durfee Street, neighbor to 64 Durfee Street.
Graffiti should not be tolerated period, I don't care if it is a gang or some kid "playing gangster" unless you own what you are painting then you should get arrested flat out. Putting up boards in parks is a joke, if you like the so called "art" of graffiti then go play in the art district. If ya can't afford anything to paint on then you can't paint that simple, I like to shot targets so I cannot afford targets can I use the side of your building? Or how about I shot at the billboards? Graffiti is one of the first signs of a lack of police presents, so if it is already there then these spots are already in need of more attention, the city should just get more cameras to help the police.
Also look into WHO negotiated on behalf of the custodians - a friend of the mayuh at the last hour. It was a PR ploy to make the other unions look bad and cave into his ransom demands.
Compare the size of the unions to the 12 custodians ???
Why don't the Mayor just pack it in. he couldn't cut it in Boston and he can't cut it here. just because he spent 30 years on the "dole" there doesn't mean he knew what he was doing, which he so aptly proved when he tried to be a mayor here. say goodbye Bob.
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