Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Village Idiot

“If anyone doesn’t understand how critical the rail is to our future there must be something mentally and physically wrong with them,” Correia said. Herald News 8/5/09

So the the South Main library isn't handicap accessible, so Bob originally scheduled his neighborhood meeting in a non handicap accessible building, but this statement takes his disrespect for the disabled to a whole new level.

And in true Bob Correia fashion, at the last neighborhood forum, he refused to back down from his idiotic statement. He has a real knack for making a bad situation worse.

You are probably not feeling too happy after watching that last clip (unless you are Bob Correia). Maybe this will cheer you up; I call it "campaign promise"


RJR said...

I feel awful for asking this...but did he mean this term?

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't die in office then you'd get Joe Camara as Mayor and that would be the only thing worse than Bob Correia. Let's wait to see if Correia wins this election or not, even if he does hopefully we will at least get a new City Council and a new Council President or maybe that's too much to ask from the few people who show up to vote.

puck said...

And the audience applauded!!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

the place looks empty??

Anonymous said...

If anyone doesn’t understand how critical it is to our future that Bob Correia is defeated,there must be something mentally and physically wrong with them.

Anonymous said...

How about a bumper sticker that says;

If you support Bob Correia there must be something mentally and physically wrong with you.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get one of those bumper stickers?

Tom Paine said...

So let me get this straight. He was talking to people at a press conference in New Bedford and he knew some of them were against the rail?

These people who were against rail, he could tell that:

1. They were physically disabled.

2. They were mentally disabled.

In other words, a person who is against the rail, they might have a leg missing, or and arm missing, etc etc???

Or, they have a mental disability such as depression.

I cannot get over this. Out of everything he said this is the most amazing.

shamrock said...

It is pretty amazing. I'm not sure if he is completely obstinate here and just refuses to admit he is wrong OR if he just doesn't comprehend what he said.

Anonymous said...

The best part of this forum was the top 10 list handed out in the parking lot when it finished

reality check said...

You evil people, taking shots at our illustrious mayor. Enjoy, because after the election you won't have old Bob to kick around anymore. How boring these blogs will be without Bob, Joe Camara, Pat Casey, Brian Bigelow, and Linda Pereria. Vote the status quo.

Anonymous said...

Love the idea for the new bumper stickers.
We can start recording these speech errors for posterity as "Bobisms".

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the ADA and People Inc would feel about this statement??