Friday, February 27, 2009

Not Funny

Background: After the RDA decided on 64 Durfee St on Monday, they had one other item in the agenda. A company in Commerce Park (a lighting company I believe) wants permission from the RDA to get a variance to have a daycare center in their building. They would accept kids from ages 1 to 7. The day care center would be for their employees and possibly for employees of other companies in Commerce and Industrial Park.


Anonymous said...

I think he was making a lame attempt at sarcasm - too bad his wife is in education, huh??

shamrock said...

Yes I think he was, but it was horrible timing. Immediately after a passionate group of citizens tried to stand up for what they believed. Also, in further poor taste, he joked about 'warehousing' the day care kids. Warehousing the poor is a serious issue which they clearly don't get.

Anonymous said...

Wait... I need more context. Oh, that's right -- the context is that Fall River government is full of ignorant pantloads.

Anonymous said...

Fall River bloggers have won my mind on most issues, but this one is different.

I did not agree with the RDA's ultimate decision. But I'm also sufficiently honest with myself to realize what actually happened, and not let my ability to percieve what took place to become clouded by the vote not going my way.

Nothing scurrilous was done here. An RFP failed to yield the kind of bid I was hoping for. These guys actually listened to a lot of rancorous dissent, delayed their vote, travelled to other places to look at developed properties, and only then cast their votes. And, being honest with myself, they only had two options - vote for Peabody, or put it out to bid again.

Frankly, were I on the RDA, I would've voted for Peabody at that point. There was no credible bidder proposing a project more like the one I (and most of you) wanted. Why on earth should any of us think that would be different in two or three months? I mean, that's just silly. A wise friend once said to me - "wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up faster." You guys can keep "wishing" if you like. I'm moving on.

And to post crap like what I just read that seems to be intended to besmirch the name of Nick Christ is, in fact, scurrilous! As such, I'm looking forward to blogging with good and decent people again - on threads other than this one!

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm or no sarcasm, these people have been appointed to do a job(and yes I know that they don't get compensated) not to make jokes ... I wonder if he makes those type of remarks in the boardroom ...

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous 12:12

They only went to visit those sites because of City Councilors Hague, Viveiros and Camara. They were ready to vote for Peabody at their last meeting in January. How can you vote on such a proposal without visiting similar projects by the bidder...

Anonymous said...

There are hundreds of developers out there doing work in mass and ri how can you honestly say it was not worth trying to attract more bids???

Anonymous said...

Yes there are many contractors in MA & RI, but only a few have direct access to City Hall ...

Fear and Loathing in Fall River said...

To Surrilous 12:12,

You are wrong. Dead wrong. The Mayor had no business taking this property on at this point in time. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see that you aren't going to get bidders in this climate. The Mayor did this for one reason and one reason only. To get his friends another sweet deal. And the RDA every one of them that voted on this, did his bidding. It's wrong. It is exactly what makes Fall River stay the way it is today.

If you don't come back, honestly I could care less. My guess is you are just another Bob Apologist trying to turn the conversation.

Anonymous said...

hey rocket scientist, Ed Lambert is the one who engineered the take over of this prioperty from state going back more than 5 years. Don't let the facts get in the way of your ignorance. What is wrong with FR is dim-witted arm chair quarterbacks who have never given anything back

Anonymous said...

Yes, and FROED and the Redevelopment Authority did nothing for 5 years.

Anonymous said...

no, Lambert dragged his feet in taking possession of property due to environmental concerns. Know your facts before you speak honest. Special legislation was written so that it went to the city and not back to the state

Anonymous said...

no, Lambert dragged his feet in taking possession of property due to environmental concerns. Know your facts before you speak honest. Special legislation was written so that it went to the city and not back to the state

Anonymous said...

fear and loathing will be mia since all he knows is slander and can't debate facts

Fear and Loathing in Fall River said...

We didn't take control and ownership of that building until Peabody showed interest in the building. We didn't give it over to the RDA until Peabody was interested in the site. Those are facts.

What is also fact, is that it was earmarked by Lambert to be an economic catalyst using the Arts Overlay District. But, none of that matters to Correia. He does what he wants for his friends.

Tell me how that doesn't look bad?

And to your point of not giving back. Tell me what you have given back? How do you know that people on these blogs haven't given back? Do you know who everyone is who is commenting and blogging? So don't tell me what I or anyone else has given back, or am doing for the city. Tell me what you have done for the city.

Fear and Loathing in Fall River said...

I thought you learned what facts were by now. I also thought you learned what slander is. What you MEAN is libel. But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know any facts.

Anonymous said...

New tactics can't come up with anything so go back to blaming the previous administration for everything.

Fear and Loathing in Fall River said...

I don't think some people know what 'facts' are, so I thought I would pull this from the Merriam-Webster dictionary: fact

Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: \ˈfakt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
Date: 15th century
1: a thing done: as aobsolete : feat b: crime (accessory after the fact) carchaic : action
2archaic : performance , doing
3: the quality of being actual : actuality (a question of fact hinges on evidence)
4 a: something that has actual existence (space exploration is now a fact) b: an actual occurrence (prove the fact of damage)
5: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
— in fact : in truth

Anonymous said...

Right, the legislation was passed in 2003 allowing the city to purchase the building from the state.

The Redevelopment Authority should have purchased the property for $1 years ago.

Tom Paine said...

This would be interesting. What has the RDA done for the last 5 years. Do they keep minutes?

My main interest would be this - how many times have they gone out and take a look at what other cities are doing? Have they filed reports on what they did and what they saw?

I know on June 6, 2003 Ken Fiola told Mike Moran on WSAR that the RDA and FROED would produce a business plan for the best use of the property.

Was that done?

Anonymous said...

After seeing this, I take back everything said about Nick Christ. Just another pompous assclown.

I was just rewatching the video from tuesday and I keep busting out laughing every time they cut to Fiola, gripping the mic like an old school rapper from 1987 or something: "My names MC Ken and I'm here to stay, I'll take all your money in every way" LOL, yeah it's the little things that amuse me...

Anonymous said...

I thought for sure he had an alphabetical campaign report in that binder-

Almeida- check ( or cash)
Amaral-check ( or cash!)
Belford- nope better recuse)
Burbank- nope naye
Christ- check ( or cash!)
Fish- checks, checks, cash in favor
Raymondo check ( or cash !)

......well you get the idea

Anonymous said...

What about our buddy James Karam. Here's how much this sycophant cares about the working family:

Who cares about students when we can keep pigs like Jean "Oinky" McCormick and her staff of nitwits in positions they were never qualified for in the first place?

Anonymous said...

So 100 students are paying for Lambert to have his cushy sad.

Anonymous said...

Only because karam the political machine behind correia tried to buy lamberts support to get correia elected but bob started playing the blame game with the previous administration.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that Bob endorsed that previous administration over one of his friends, Henry Gillete. Show's ya the stuff he's made of, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Of course Lambert wouldn't have gotten the job had he not doled out tons of money to the UMass Policy Center as mayor as well as getting the final blessing from Jim Karam which came at the expense of turning over his political machine to Bob Correia. Don't you just love Fall River politics? Slimy!